We are very excited to meet you and your friends. We hope you will come and sit with us on Saturday June 8th, anytime between 11 AM and 2 PM. The Beale Library Auditorium has plenty of tables and chairs set out for everyone.
“Worldwide Knit in Public Day was started in 2005 by [Australian] Danielle Landes. It began as a way for knitters to come together and enjoy each other’s company. Knitting is such a solitary act that it’s easy to knit alone somewhere and sink into your work without thinking about all the other knitters out there. Neighbors could spend all their lives never knowing that the other knits. This a specific day to get out of your house and go to a local event (with your knitting in tow) just for you and people like you. Who knows you might even bump into your neighbor! Consider this a spark, to ignite a fire; getting all of the closeted knitters out into fresh air.” – Wikipedia

Don’t know how to knit? No problem! We’ll show you the basic knit stitch.
What the Knit!, Inc. , is a non-profit 501(c)(3) knitting guild, registered with TKGA, the national knitting guild association. WTK’s origins go back to 2008, when an already very busy lady, Suzanne Bryan, set her mind to gathering local knitters and creating opportunities to sit, visit, and learn from each other. Read her heartwarming account here, written some years ago. Now, she’s a world-renowned knitting instructor with over 437 instructional videos. WTK’s 12 charter membership has grown to include an average of 100 members. We’ve stayed connected to each other in recent years by adopting online meeting technology, which we continue to use to visit with our friends scattered across the United States and the globe. Happily, we are meeting in person again, thanks to the Kern County Public Library, Adventist Hospital, and the Kern County Superintendent of Schools who provide a room for our monthly meetings.

Just for fun we snap a photo of any handknitted socks finished (or not) in the past year.