
Bylaws / Policies & Procedures / Origins / Timeline

Statement of Purpose – The purpose of the What the Knit! Guild is essentially the same as that of The Knitting Guild Association, which is to provide education for knitters at all levels of ability and communication to advance the quality of workmanship and creativity in their knitting endeavors.  For the majority of the members knitting is just a hobby, so our primary goals are to have fun, make new knitting friends and improve our knitting skills.

Policies and Procedures
Origination of the What The Knit! Guild

Membership Application

What the Knit Membership Application 2025

Feel free to email me the information needed from the application form.

Dues are $40.00 annually. $20.00 after July 1st

Vicki Berquist/Membership Chair

Judy Synder/ Treasurer

Events Calendar

Events in March 2025

  • Monthly guild meeting 2nd Saturday of the month

    Monthly guild meeting 2nd Saturday of the month

    March 8, 2025

    Meeting location:  1524 27th  St.  2nd floor in the Be Brillant conference room.

    Meeting time: 9:00 am to noon.



PO BOX 21594, Bakersfield, CA 93390